My ECT has left my school, how do I withdraw them from the programme?

ECF: To withdraw your ECT, please email their name and the reason for them leaving (e.g. left the profession, moved schools etc.) to enquiries@redhillhub.org.uk

AB: Please also complete an interim assessment on ECT manager if the ECT is leaving your school


I have an ECT that is moving schools.

ECF: If your ECT moves schools, please email their name, the name of their new school and the date that they are leaving your school to enquiries@redhillhub.org.uk. Redhill Teaching Hub will then contact the ECT to re-register them in their new school.

AB: Please also complete an interim assessment on ECT manager if the ECT is leaving your school.


My ECT is changing contract (e.g from FT to PT)

ECF: If your ECT changes contract, please email the details of your ECT, their current and new contact information to enquiries@redhillhub.org.uk. Someone from our team will contact EDT to update this information and ensure your ECT gets access to the correct information via the EDT portal.

AB: Please also change the ECT’s contract details on ECT manager.


I believe my ECT is eligible to complete their induction in less than the standard 2 years (or equivalent time pro rata).  This is known as Fast Track.

If your ECT has significant previous teaching experience and is already consistently meeting all the Teacher Standards, they may be eligible for fast track, please contact our Appropriate Body Lead, Caroline Chaloner. She will be happy to discuss options with you and support your school to decide on the best induction route.


I have an ECT working 4 days a week. How quickly can they complete the Early Career Framework?

If you have an ECT working 0.8 or above, they can complete the Early Career Framework at the same rate as a full-time member of staff, in 2 years.


I have an ECT working under 4 days a week. How quickly can they complete the Early Career Framework?

A part-time ECT who is working 0.7 or less can complete the Early Career Framework over 4 years, completing one block each term, rather than each half-term. There is an option to complete the Early Career Framework in the standard two years, but this would need to be agreed by the ECT, the school and the Appropriate Body. If you would like more information, please email enquiries@redhillhub.org.uk.


I need to change the details of my Induction Tutor and/or mentor

ECF: Log into the DfE portal to change the details of your induction tutor. Once you have completed this, it is very important that you also email the details of your new Induction Tutor and/or mentor to enquiries@redhillhub.org.uk so our team can update records and arrange a log-in to the EDT resources portal.

AB: You will need to let your AB provider know of these changes and make any relevant changes on ECT Manager.  If Redhill Teaching Hub is your AB provider we will pass this information on when you contact us re the ECF.


My ECT / mentor cannot attend a scheduled training session

ECF: Training sessions for both ECTs and mentors are a compulsory element of the programme, therefore the Hub has an obligation to report all absences to EDT and DfE.  Release time is funded directly to schools by DfE, however we do understand that there may be instances where ECTs or mentors are unable to attend. If they are unable to attend, please ask them to email events@redhillhub.org.uk giving a clear reason for absence. 

AB: As the training programme is unrelated to the assessment of induction, the Appropriate Body provider does not need to be informed of any non-attendance of training events.


Can I be the Induction Tutor and the mentor?

Although the same person can act as Induction Tutor and mentor for and ECT, we do not recommend this due to the defined distinction between the roles. However, we recognise that some smaller schools will need to combine the roles.  On the DfE portal, you will need to register as both the Induction Tutor and mentor.


What is the difference between an Induction Tutor and Mentor?

The Induction Tutor is responsible for registering the ECTs for ECF training and for assessment with an Appropriate Body. The Induction Tutor liaises with the Headteacher and mentors to ensure that each ECT in the school has full access to their statutory induction. This includes:

  • A 10% reduction in timetable in Year 1
  • A 5% reduction in timetable in Year 2
  • Weekly mentor meetings in Year 1
  • Fortnightly mentor meetings in Year 2
  • Access to self study materials (e.g. on the EDT portal
  • Access to training events (e.g. organised by Redhill Teaching Hub)

The Induction Tutor carries out termly formal observations and assessment of the ECT, giving quality feedback against the Teachers’ Standards. They must make ECTs aware of any lack of progress against the Teachers’ Standards and formulate an action plan where necessary (Redhill Teaching Hub can help with this if needed).  

The Induction Tutor liaises with the Appropriate Body to ensure progress is formally reported and recorded. Further information about this can be found here.

The mentor’s role is to guide, advise and support the ECT through their induction. The mentor challenges the ECTs thinking through instructional coaching, ensures the ECT has access to and understands the ECF training.

The mentor can usefully support the ECT through the assessment process but should NOT assess them – this is the role of the Induction Tutor.

Further information about this can be found here.


Can a Headteacher be the Induction Tutor or mentor? 

Wherever possible we encourage Head Teachers to appoint an Induction Tutor and mentor.  To fully understand these roles and the time commitment required for each, please check out our ECF page.


What is a replacement Mentor?

Replacement Mentors are Mentors joining the programme to replace an existing mentor in support of an ECT, and who is not already supporting an ECT. This mentor is a new mentor joining the programme and entitled to complete the full 2-year training with payments.  

Key considerations:

  • Where the mentor is already supporting another ECT on the programme no additional payments can be claimed for this participant. This is because they are already being funded by the DfE and will remain on their existing schedule.
  • Where the replacement mentor is a new mentor joining the programme, valid declarations will be payable from the point they start the programme, and then from meeting the ongoing engagement criteria. In most cases this is expected to be payable from the next relevant milestone after the previous mentor has left the programme, note: they will be entitled to complete the full training programme (see bullet point below)
  • From September 2023 onwards the first declaration will be a start declaration and declarations will be made in sequence (subject to meeting the engagement criteria).
  • Where a replacement mentor is joining a provider from another provider’s programme, EDT will only be able to submit a declaration for that replacement mentor for the remaining milestones. For example, if the replacement mentor had supported an ECT for two milestones with provider A, and then joined provider B as a replacement mentor, provider B would be able to submit declarations from milestone three onwards.  


I am not sure if I need to keep a record of evidence of training and observations?

ECF: There is no statutory requirement to record any evidence of training.

Schools may choose to carry out regular observations or keep simple records in order to support the ECT, but this is not an expectation and at no point will the Hub or any other stakeholder request to see any formal gathering of evidence of progress against the training programme. Engagement with the Early Career Framework for both mentors and ECTs is tracked online through the completion of the block materials on the EDT portal. 

AB: Where schools who access our AB service do carry out formal and informal observations, we recommend that they are recorded on our Redhill Hub ECT observation forms and saved as evidence to be included in progress reports and assessment forms submitted to the Appropriate Body on ECT manager.


I would like to change my Appropriate Body Service to Redhill Teaching Hub

If you would like to change your Appropriate Body Service provider to Redhill Teaching Hub, please contact our Appropriate Body Lead, Caroline Chaloner to make arrangements to transfer your ECTs. Please have details of your ECTs and mentors to hand.


How do I complete progress reviews and assessment forms?

AB: It is the school Induction Tutor who should complete the progress reviews and assessment forms for each ECT as they oversee the assessment of the ECT. Reviews and reports can be submitted via ECT Manager. – All Induction Tutors should have received your log in when they signed up with their Appropriate Body.

Anyone seeking guidance or support in completing the assessment forms can contact Caroline Chaloner  or attend one of our regular online Induction Tutor drop-in sessions.  Drop-in sessions occur a few weeks before every assessment submission date and details are emailed to all Induction Tutors termly. You can also find resources which may support you on the Appropriate Body pages of our website.


I have a problem that is not covered in the FAQs.

Please contact enquiries@redhillhub.org.uk or call 07831324490 with your query, and we will be more than happy to help.


Useful Documents 

ECF Milestone and Key Dates Document 24/25


Useful DfE videos

A new school adding a new ECT - Watch it here

Confirming the programme for next academic year - Watch it here

Adding an ECT or Mentor - Watch it here

Transferring and ECT or Mentor - Watch it here

Assigning a Mentor to an ECT - Watch it here

Updating an ECT or Mentors name and email - Watch it here

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We would love the opportunity to talk to you about any of our programmes. Please feel free to get in touch for a formal or informal conversation, to find out how we can help you progress in your career.