ECT Extra programme

Our ECT extra programme aims to provide Early Career Teachers with CPD in specific areas. The sessions have been selected and devised based on feedback from ECTs and Mentors over the last 2 years, and are delivered by a range of amazing teachers and leaders in our regional schools. Facilitated by expert practitioners from across the region, they aim to strengthen and develop knowledge and practice, and present a great opportunity to meet peers and colleagues at a similar career stage.


To ensure easy access for all participants, sessions:

  • Are delivered online and after school, they are all recorded, with links added to this page. 
  • Run from 4 pm - 5 pm (with an additional 30 minutes for questions at the end of each session).
  • Take place on Zoom, follow the links below to register your place and submit any questions for facilitators.


 "Establishing positive relationships with your students"

Session 1: Thursday 26th September 2024, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (with a further 30 min optional Q&A)


About this session:

Creating positive and meaningful relationships with your classes and colleagues from the word go is, of course, important, but not always as easy as it might seem.  

This session will provide advice and practical tips on how to create and maintain positive relationships in and beyond the classroom with top tips from our experts, alongside words of wisdom from some of our more experienced ECTs who have perhaps stumbled along the way but made changes that have proved effective over their first years in the profession.



  • Rick Macpherson, Diverse Academies Trust
  • Chloe Bingley, The Carlton Infants Academy
  • Rebecca Martin, The Carlton Infants Academy


"Managing Challenging Behaviour"

Session 2: Thursday 17th October 2024, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (with a further 30 min optional Q&A)


About this session:

This might be your first term on your own in the classroom, setting your own expectations and maintaining them.  This session will look at how we establish behaviour expectations as a new teacher and build confidence around productive an positive relationship. Our facilitators and ECTs will share top tips and strategies that are tried and tested around  de-escalation, routines, communication, restoration, policies and healthy, happy relationships.



  • Steph Lovett, Park Vale Academy
  • Courtney Hoop, Yeoman Park


"Active Learning"

Session 3: Thursday 7th November 2024, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (with a further 30 min optional Q&A)


About this session:

We all love those activities that require low preparation but have impact on pupil progress and making abstract concepts concrete.  Join our experts in this session who will share a wide range of activities and discuss how best to implement them to ensure your lesson planning does not become activity driven, but remains engaging and effective.



  • Elyssa Hawksworth, South Nottinghamshire Academy
  • Lucy Kirk, North Wingfield Primary Academy


"Checking for Understanding"

Session 4: Thursday 5th December 2024, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (with a further 30 min optional Q&A)


About this session:

Checking for Understanding is an important element in effective teaching - some might say THE most important element if we want our teaching to be truly responsive to the needs of our pupils.  This session will look at the theory behind why CfU is so important in the teaching process and some common mistakes that teachers might make around concepts such as cold calling, mini whiteboards and Think-Pair-Share.  We will also look at the importance of establishing a culture of embracing error.



  • Sally Barfoot, Redhill Teaching Hub
  • Ashleigh Bell, Colonel Frank Seely Academy
  • Ciara Hickey, The Carlton Infants Academy


"Confidence in your professionalism"

Session 5: Thursday 16th January 2025, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (with a further 30 min optional Q&A)


About this session:

Acknowledging the part we play in role-modelling for students and other stakeholders. This session offers strategies and advice on how to exude professionalism, from day-to-day communication with colleagues to difficult conversations with parents.



  • Emma Baillie, Park Vale Academy
  • Katie Day, The Redhill Teaching Hub
  • Laura Hicking, The Carlton Juniors Academy
  • Barbara Ross, Robert Mellors Primary Academy




Session 6: Thursday 30th January 2025, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (with a further 30 min optional Q&A)


About this session:

If your school is in an Ofsted window, you might want to understand what the inspection looks and feels like. This session is run by school leaders in primary and secondary who will give you an idea of what the inspection involves, how to prepare for it and explore how ECTs might be involved in discussions on the day.  ECTs who have experienced a recent inspection will also be present to share their experiences and advice.



  • MaeMae Milichamp, The Redhill Academy
  • Gareth Clarke, The Redhill Academy 
  • Cheryl Booth, The Redhill Academy
  • Grace Dunn, North Wingfield Primary Academy


"Adaptive Teaching"

Session 7 : Adaptive Teaching


About this session:

‘Is everyone making progress?’  How do we raise the tide so all the boats will float? Practical advice and strategies that will help you to support ALL  learners in your classroom.  Adaptive teaching is a skill which requires time to perfect.  It may well be a focus of your current ECT reviews and reports as we see this quite frequently as a target.  Why not come along to hear what our experts have to say and listen to some of the advice from some recent ECTs?



  • Rachel Saunders, Carlton Digby 
  • Nicole Lang, The Carlton Infants Academy


Click here to watch the recording


"Assessment and Feedback"

Session 8: Wednesday 5th March 2025, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (with a further 30 min optional Q&A)


About this session:

When we are looking at formal and informal feedback, what we want is feedback that works for teacher and learner.  No teacher wants to spend time giving feedback that is not valued or valuable to teacher or child.  How do we ensure that our assessment and feedback routines are both productive and efficient?  Hear from experienced teachers and recently qualified teachers about the lessons they have learnt around assessment and feedback and enjoy the opportunity to ask the questions you have always wanted to ask.



  • Darren Frost, Brookfield Community School
  • Amie Grainger, Hall Park Academy
  • Linda Shepherd, Tupton Primary and Nursery Academy
  • Ciara Hickey, The Carlton Infants Academy


"Teaching Fundamentals"

Session 9: Wednesday 26th March 2025, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (with a further 30 min optional Q&A)


About this session:

Teachers have a range of tools available to them which facilitate them to do their job well.  Some of the fundamentals of our trade involve explaining, modelling and questioning alongside assessing and checking for understanding.  Doing the fundamentals well will have an impact on relationships and outcomes.  Join us for this session to hear key messages about why the fundamentals matter and how to maximise their impact.  The facilitators for this session are in their 6th and 36th year of teaching - the fundamentals are the bedrock of a long and effective career in teaching.



  • Jake Athorn, The Redhill Academy
  • Dan Papworth, The Redhill Academy



Session 10: Wednesday 7th May 2025, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (with a further 30 min optional Q&A)


About this session:

The who, what, where, when, how, why of data collection and analysis.  What does it all mean, why do we collect it and what do we do with it that makes a difference?  Getting data collection right is important but more important is our motives and the way we use the data to impact on pupil progress.  Better data leads to better decisions.  Join our facilitators and ECTs to hear some key messages and ask any questions you might have.



  • Cheryl Booth, The Redhill Academy
  • Katie Day, The Redhill Teaching Hub
  • Primary Facilitator - TBC


"Early Leadership"

Session 11: Wednesday 21st May 2025, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (with a further 30 min optional Q&A)


About this session:

Over the years we have noticed that several of our ECTs are falling into or seeking leadership roles.  Early leadership can be a joy but also a challenge. 
Join our ECTs who have experienced leadership either as an ECT or shortly after completing their induction.  Hear from them how they dealt with the responsibility and managed the learning curve of becoming a leader.  Our facilitators will talk frankly about the lessons they have learnt from their experience and will be happy to take any questions.



  • Tom Suchoruczka, The Redhill Academy
  • Grace Dunn, North Wingfield Primary Academy
  • Lucy Kirk, North Wingfield Primary Academy


Join Us

We would love the opportunity to talk to you about any of our programmes. Please feel free to get in touch for a formal or informal conversation, to find out how we can help you progress in your career.