NPQ Programmes

Since the launch of the NPQ programme in 2021 we have supported over 900 participants through their NPQ journey.

We are proud to stand out as a provider committed to delivering high quality learning experiences. To do this, we select the very best facilitators and coaches from across our partnership to facilitate our programmes, and have created an offer we are confident meets the needs of existing aspirant leaders. 


Who are NPQs designed for?

Whether you are a teacher looking to deepen your expertise or a school leader wanting to stretch yourself to the next transition in your career, we offer an NPQ programme which is suitable for you. NPQs are a nationally recognised, DfE accredited suite of qualifications for teachers and school leaders. The NPQ offer covers all levels of leadership from middle to executive leadership.


Julie Wardle,

Primary Director Redhill Academy Trust

As the Redhill Trust Director for Primary Schools, I have seen enormous value of staff undertaking high quality NPQs to strengthen both their areas of expertise in primary education and also their leadership skills. This has been clearly evident in recent Ofsted inspections where staff who have taken NPQs have talked more eloquently and confidently about the subjects or areas they lead, to inspectors. NPQs have also helped to retain talented professionals within our organisations, who have found career opportunities through facilitation and coaching.

Paul Crossley,

Director of Teaching Redhill Academy Trust

The NPQs have had a hugely positive impact on our trust staff. The range of the offer and the role-specific nature of each programme has really allowed our leaders and prospective leaders to experience high quality training that directly links with their work in schools.

Headteachers and other leaders have commented on the increase in confidence, understanding and skills of their staff and the greater impact this is having on the children in their schools


Specialist NPQ Programmes

There are five specialist NPQs for teachers and leaders who want to broaden their expertise in one of the following areas:

Leading Primary Mathematics

We are working in partnership with lead provider National Society for Education - Church of England (NSE) to deliver our NPQ programmes.  You can find more information about NSE here - NPQ — National Society for Education.


A video explaining how the programme is being delivered in Cohort 8 can be found here NPQLPM cohort 8 Vimeo


Why complete an NPQ in Leading Primary Mathematics

The NPQ Leading Primary Maths is the newest programme released by the DfE. The programme is designed to support teachers with learning how to use mastery approaches to teach maths effectively in the classroom. NPQLPM has been designed by experts in leading maths from our Maths Hub partners. Completing this programme will provide you with a firm foundation in leading and developing maths for your school. You can read more about this programme via here.


NPQLPM will support you to:

  • Build on your previous mastery learning and further develop your skills as a subject leader.

  • Develop a positive culture for maths teaching and embed effective approaches across your primary setting.

  • Lead and develop teachers to: plan lessons so pupils build their knowledge, support inclusion of pupils, manage their workload, understand and use consistent maths vocabulary.

To find out more about the programme, click here.


Who is this for?

NPQLPM is designed for teachers and leaders with responsibility for leading maths across a primary key-stage or school, or those who want to have this responsibility.

  • Teachers familiar with mastery approaches to teaching primary maths, who want to improve leadership skills in this area
  • Subject leaders in a school already engaged in the primary Teaching for Mastery programme or similar programme examples.


Leading Teaching

We are working in partnership with lead provider National Society for Education - Church of England (NSE) to deliver our NPQ programmes.  You can find more information about NSE here - NPQ — National Society for Education.


A video explaining how the programme is being delivered in Cohort 8 can be found here NPQLT cohort 8 Vimeo


Why complete an NPQ in Leading Teaching

The National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching (NPQLT) provides participants with the essential knowledge, skills and concepts that underpin the successful leadership of teaching.  The programme is designed around a strong evidence base, to give teachers a superb understanding of how to develop teacher excellence in schools. You can read more about this programme via here.


NPQLT will support you to:

  • Develop as a specialist in areas related to your phase or subject.

  • Work with serving school leaders and subject matter experts to turn new learning into changes in your own, and others practice.

  • Access a blended learning programme that’s full of practical and tangible examples, flexible and tailored to your needs and areas of development and focus.

To find out more about the programme, click here.


Who is this for?

The National Professional Qualification for Leading Teaching (NPQLT) is designed for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibility for leading teaching in a subject, year group, key stage or phase.


Leading Behaviour and Culture

We are working in partnership with lead provider National Society for Education - Church of England (NSE) to deliver our NPQ programmes.  You can find more information about NSE here - NPQ — National Society for Education.


A video explaining how the programme is being delivered in Cohort 8 can be found here NPQLBC cohort 8 Vimeo


Why complete an NPQ in Leading Behaviour and Culture

The National Professional Qualification for Leading Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC) is a nationally recognised, professional qualification for Teachers, Support Staff and anyone working in a relevant role in a school. NPQLBC provides teachers with a superb understanding of how to develop and implement behaviour and wellbeing strategies in their school. You can read more about this programme via here.


NPQLBC will support you to:

  • Gain expertise and drive meaningful change

  • Create a positive school culture

  • Support complex behavioural needs

  • Improve pupil outcomes

To find out more about the programme, click here.


Who is this for?

Do you want to learn how a thriving school culture can support excellent behaviour? NPQLBC is designed for teachers, Support Staff and anyone working in a relevant role in a school. It’s great for those who are leading behaviour, working in a pastoral role, or are working to lead inclusion – whether you work in a primary, secondary school or an FE college.


Leading Teacher Development

We are working in partnership with lead provider National Society for Education - Church of England (NSE) to deliver our NPQ programmes.  You can find more information about NSE here - NPQ — National Society for Education.


A video explaining how the programme is being delivered in Cohort 8 can be found here NPQLTD cohort 8 Vimeo


Why complete an NPQ in Leading Teacher Development

The National Professional Qualification for Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD) is perfect for those who are, or would like to mentor Early Career Teachers, or those who are interested in Leading Professional Development in their schools. This evidenced-based rigorous NPQ gives teachers a superb understanding of how to support and develop those around them, ensuring everyone is leading pupils to do their very best. You can read more about this programme via here.


NPQLTD will support you to:

  • Gain confidence and develop skills in implementing evidence-based professional development programmes focused on improving classroom teaching.
  • Promote a strong professional development culture across your school.


To find out more about the programme, click here.



Who is this for?

Are you committed to seeing your colleagues thrive? Do you get a buzz out of training and developing new and experienced teachers? If so NPQLTD is for you.

This programme is perfect for teachers who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading the development of other teachers in their school. (e.g., CPD Leads or ECF mentors).


Leading Literacy

We are working in partnership with lead provider National Society for Education - Church of England (NSE) to deliver our NPQ programmes.  You can find more information about NSE here - NPQ — National Society for Education.



Why complete an NPQ in Leading Literacy

The National Professional Qualification for Leading Literacy (NPQLL) will help attendees to develop as a specialist in areas related to their role, including developing reading, writing, language and developing others. You can read more about this programme via here.


NPQLL will support you to:

  • Gain an understanding of the core principles behind developing language, reading, and writing. Get practical tools and guidance to lead your school’s approach to literacy and collaborate with other leaders in similar roles.
  • Work with serving school leaders and subject-matter experts to turn new learning into changes in your own, and others’ practice.
  • Access a blended learning programme that is full of practical and tangible examples, flexible and tailored to your needs and areas of development and focus.


Who is this for?

NPQLL is designed for teachers and school leaders who have, or are aspiring to have, responsibilities for leading literacy across a school, year group, key stage, or phase.



Leadership NPQ Programmes

For those looking to deepen their knowledge in, or progress into senior leadership and beyond, the following NPQs build foundational knowledge to rapidly progress your setting’s or trust’s key improvement priorities – all while creating and embedding a culture that allows your staff and children to thrive:

Special Educational Needs Coordinator

We are working in partnership with lead provider National Society for Education - Church of England (NSE) to deliver our NPQ programmes.  You can find more information about NSE here - NPQ — National Society for Education.


A video explaining how the programme is being delivered in Cohort 8 can be found here NPQSENCO cohort 8 Vimeo


Why complete  NPQ SENCO?

The National Professional Qualification for Special Educational Needs Coordinators will help attendees to co-ordinate special educational needs (SEN) provision throughout your school, and work alongside other leaders to build a school culture in which pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) can participate meaningfully in the full life of the school, achieve ambitious outcomes and make successful transitions to their next steps. You can read more about this programme via here.


During the course you’ll cover 8 units, which are:

  • school culture
  • statutory framework
  • identification of need
  • teaching
  • behaviour
  • leading and managing provision
  • professional development
  • implementation

To find out more about the programme, click here.


Who is this for?

All mainstream schools (including academies and free schools) must have a SENCO. The SENCO must be a qualified teacher, or the headteacher, working at the school.

This NPQ will be the mandatory qualification for SENCOs from September 2024, with teaching beginning in autumn 2024. The 3-year window to complete the mandatory qualification on taking up a SENCO post will remain following the introduction of the NPQ for SENCOs. Refer to transition to national professional qualification for special educational needs co-ordinators for further information.


Senior Leadership

We are working in partnership with lead provider National Society for Education - Church of England (NSE) to deliver our NPQ programmes.  You can find more information about NSE here - NPQ — National Society for Education.


A video explaining how the programme is being delivered in Cohort 8 can be found here NPQSL cohort 8 Vimeo


Why complete an NPQ in Senior Leadership

The National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) helps you to develop leadership knowledge and expertise, and build your confidence, allowing you to improve outcomes for teachers and pupils within your school.

You will develop expertise in the knowledge, skills and concepts for areas of cross and whole schools’ responsibility, related to your role. You can read more about this programme via here.



NPQSL will support you to:

  • Develop as a leader, with some area of cross-school and whole-school responsibility.
  • Access content across a breadth of area, such as teaching, behaviour and professional development.
  • Be supported to effectively implement change and improvement in an area related to your role.

To find out more about the programme, click here.

Who is this for?

The National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) is designed for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities.




We are working in partnership with lead provider National Society for Education - Church of England (NSE) to deliver our NPQ programmes.  You can find more information about NSE here - NPQ — National Society for Education.


A video explaining how the programme is being delivered in Cohort 8 can be found here NPQH cohort 8 Vimeo


Why complete an NPQ in Headship

The National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) provides a unique opportunity to grow as a leader through an evidenced-based, rigorous programme, giving all aspiring or new headteachers the firm foundation they need to take their career to the next step. You can read more about this programme via here.



NPQH will support you to:

  • Develop as a leader with whole school responsibility.
  • Access content across a breadth of areas.
  • Effectively implement change and improvement in an area you identify as a school priority.

To find out more about the programme, click here.


Who is this for?

Ready for Headship? This programme is for school leaders who are, or are aspiring to become, a headteacher or head of school with responsibility for leading a school.


Early Years Leadership


We are working in partnership with lead provider National Society for Education - Church of England (NSE) to deliver our NPQ programmes.  You can find more information about NSE here - NPQ — National Society for Education.


Why complete an NPQ in Early Years Leadership

The National Professional Qualification for Early Years Leadership (NPQEYL) is designed to deliver meaningful change in your setting.

With NPQEYL you will become part of a community of leaders across Early Years settings and contexts who share a passion for addressing educational disadvantages. Build valuable connections with other leaders from across the country and learn how they faced and overcame similar challenges. You can read more about this programme via here.


NPQEYL will support you to:

  • Deliver a high-quality and ambitious curriculum.

  • Smooth the admissions, exclusions and appeals process.

  • Manage resources effectively.

  • Know what approach to use.

  • Ensure all children experience success.


Who is this for?

This NPQ is designed for all leaders in early years settings, qualified to at least Level 3 who are, or are aspiring to be; a senior leader with cross-school responsibilities, managers of private, voluntary and independent nurseries, Headteachers of school-based or maintained nurseries, or childminders with leadership responsibilities.


Executive Leadership

We are working in partnership with lead provider National Society for Education - Church of England (NSE) to deliver our NPQ programmes.  You can find more information about NSE here - NPQ — National Society for Education.


A video explaining how the programme is being delivered in Cohort 8 can be found here NPQEL cohort 8 Vimeo


Why complete an NPQ in Executive Leadership

You will be learning alongside inspirational leaders from a wide range of contexts, drawing on the leading expertise nationally, high-profile input and the opportunities to develop and sustain long-term national networks. You will gain confidence and develop skills in:

  • running a multi-school organisation
  • developing processes and systems that enable and encourage collaboration between staff within and across schools
  • managing resources effectively and establishing sustainable policies

To find out more about the programme, click here.


NPQEL will support you to:

  • Improve executive leadership

  • Tailor expert advice and coaching

  • Focus on your specific needs

To find out more, read about the Cefel NPQEL programme here.


Who is this for?

For school leaders who are, or are aspiring to be, an executive headteacher or have a school trust CEO role with responsibility for leading several schools.  NPQEL is designed to provide development for aspiring and current Executive Leaders, MAT leads, CEOs, Trust Improvement Directors, Executive Heads and Federation Leads.


Early Headship Coaching Offer

We are delivering this programme with the Church of England Foundation for Educational Leadership (Cefel), you can find out more about them here.



Why complete the Early Headship Coaching Offer

The Early Headship Coaching Offer for New Headteachers, (formerly known as the ASO) is a targeted package of support for Headteachers in their first five years of Headship. You can read more about this programme via here.


Are you eligible?

You are eligible for this targeted support package if you meet the following criteria:

  • You in your first five years of headship

  • You work in a state-funded school in England upon starting the training

  • You have either completed an NPQH before taking up your first headship post or are currently taking the NPQH

  • You have not withdrawn from the ASO previously.



Who is this for?

To take the early headship coaching offer, you need to be doing or have done the headship NPQ and be in your first five years of headship.

This targeted one-year support package has been tailored to the needs of new headteachers. It provides structured, unassessed support and networking based on the best available evidence about what makes an effective headteacher. You can complete it alongside the national professional qualification (NPQ) for headship, or recently after taking the NPQ in headship.

The support you receive will differ depending on your chosen provider. It may include:

  • group coaching
  • one-to-one support
  • peer networking




Why complete an NPQ?

The revised suite of NPQs has been refreshed to reduce the workload burden on teachers 


The NPQ programmes provide opportunity for applicants to gain a nationally recognised qualification 


Learn from a rich curriculum based on evidence-based practice 


Build a transferable knowledge and skill base which you can take with you if you change schools. 


Access training and development in a flexible way, both virtually and in regional face to face groups 


Network with like-minded teachers and leaders who are at a similar career stage 


Work alongside facilitators and coaches who have experience and expertise in the area of leadership addressed by the programme 


Apply now to join our upcoming cohort of NPQ delegates in April 2025!



The dynamic new NPQ frameworks are built from a rich, evidence-informed understanding of what works in school leadership, and they create a clear and exciting pathway for teachers’ progression throughout their whole careers.

- Revd Canon Nigel Genders (Chief Education Officer, Church of England)

- Paul Barber (Director, Catholic Education Service)


Join Us

We would love the opportunity to talk to you about any of our programmes. Please feel free to get in touch for a formal or informal conversation, to find out how we can help you progress in your career.