NPQ Alumni insights - Libby hale

Libby Hale is a Sixth From Tutor at Hall Park Academy.
As alumni of the Teaching Hub NPQLTD programme we spoke to Libby to find out more about what made her decide to complete her NPQ, and her advice to others who are looking at this route of professional development.
"I decided to complete a National Professional Qualification (NPQ) in Leading Teacher Development because I am really interested in developing my own pedagogical practice and supporting other colleagues to develop their personal practice."
"The NPQLTD was perfect as it allowed me to explore CPD in a wider context and I had the opportunity to do some interesting reading and research."
"I found the whole experience fascinating, I really enjoyed the case studies and applying my research to different contexts. The most challenging part was only being able to write a specific word limit for the assessment! The most rewarding part was passing!"
"My advice to anyone considering an NPQ in Leading Teacher Development is that it's really worthwhile. I would definitely take the time to be familiar with the Blackboard platform. That was a useful space to record notes and ideas as you read."
Get in touch
If you're interested in finding out more about our NPQ programme, including requirements, costs, and registration dates, please get in touch with us via our website, emailing or by telephone to 07831 324 490.